About Us!

Monday, January 31, 2011

'A good snapshot stops a moment from running away.
 ~Eudora Welty

Mallory DeMers
             I love how photography captures people’s story...it represents memories...it documents details...and it remembers what time often forgets! Hi, I’m Mallory. I am a born and raised Texas girl. I am madly in love with my husband Eddie and could quite possibly spend every second of each day with him and not get tired of it. Smitten only partly describes how I feel about my darling daughter Isabella Joy. I am in awe and adoration of my Savior Jesus who daily blows me away by his unfailing love for me. I highly enjoy being outside on a warm sunny day with a slight breeze near the water! I like coffee - the smell and the taste -Mmm. I get excited about the idea of high heels but when it comes down to it, I much rather be wearing flip flops or just going barefoot! I truly believe real joy is contagious! And if you couldn’t already tell....I love photography! I became obsessed when I was in middle school. (Thanks mom and dad for paying to develop the gazillion film pictures I took of everything!)  I went on to study my new passion in college however and got my degree in Kinesiology with a minor in children’s psychology. It was only a matter of time plus getting married and having my first child that brought me full circle to my first artistic passion --- photography!